segunda-feira, 29 de setembro de 2008

The most famous blue eyes in movie history...

1925 - 2008

Screen legend, superstar, and the man with the most famous blue eyes in movie history.

I had no natural gift to be anything - not an athlete, not an actor, not a writer, not a director, a painter of garden porches - not anything. So I've worked really hard, because nothing ever came easily to me.

I would like it if people would think that beyond Newman, there's a spirit that takes action, a heart, and a talent that doesn't come from my blue eyes.

I'd like to be remembered as a guy who tried - who tried to be part of his times, tried to help people communicate with one another, tried to find some decency in his own life, tried to extend himself as a human being. Someone who isn't complacent, who doesn't cop out.

A man with no enemies is a man with no character

Men experience many passions in a lifetime. One passion drives away the one before it

I'm not able to work anymore as an actor and still at the level that I would want to. I'm just, you know, you start to lose your memory, you start to lose your confidence, you start to lose your invention. So I think that's pretty much a closed book for me.

I picture my epitaph:
"Here lies Paul Newman, who died a failure because his eyes turned brown."

domingo, 28 de setembro de 2008

A partir de que idade é que se pode...

A partir de que idade é que se pode

Mijar de pé
Andar à chuva sem se molhar?

Deixar a fralda
Dormir em quarto próprio
Dançar em pontas
Tomar banho sem fazer a digestão?

Atravessar as ruas
Pintar os olhos
Depilar as pernas
Fazer a barba
Usar carteira?

Beber leite das vacas
Fazer o inter rail
Furar as orelhas
Ser baptizado
Beijar nas mãos as mulheres
De quem se gosta?

Mergulhar com botija
Dar serventia aos pedreiros
Desfilar na passerelle
Ser enrabado
Por um cavalheiro amigo?

Ser deixado sem risco
Ao abandono
Ir à Disneylandia de Orlando
Com cruzeiro incluído
Ter telemóvel
Não dormir de tarde
Beber de penalty um traçado?

Fazer testamento de vida?

A partir de que idade é que se pode
Morrer sem que ninguém chore?


sábado, 27 de setembro de 2008

Fear of failure...

A couple of hundred years ago, Benjamin Franklin shared with the world the secret of his success. Never leave that till tomorrow, he said, which you can do today. This is the man who discovered electricity.

You think more people would listen to what he had to say. I don't know why we put things off, but if I had to guess, I'd have to say it has a lot to do with fear.

Fear of failure, fear of rejection, sometimes the fear is just of making a decision, because what if you're wrong? What if you're making a mistake you can't undo? The early bird catches the worm. A stitch in time saves nine. He who hesitates is lost. We can't pretend we hadn't been told. We've all heard the proverbs, heard the philosophers, heard our grandparents warning us about wasted time, heard the damn poets urging us to seize the day.

Still sometimes we have to see for ourselves. We have to make our own mistakes. We have to learn our own lessons. We have to sweep today's possibility under tomorrow's rug until we can't anymore. Until we finally understand for ourselves what Benjamin Franklin really meant.

That knowing is better than wondering, that waking is better than sleeping, and even the biggest failure, even the worst, beats the hell out of never trying.

Meredith Grey: Grey’s Anatomy

sexta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2008

Não perdi nada...

"E de novo acredito que nada do que é importante se perde verdadeiramente. Apenas nos iludimos, julgando ser donos das coisas, dos instantes e dos outros. Comigo caminham todos os mortos que amei, todos os amigos que se afastaram, todos os dias felizes que se apagaram. Não perdi nada, apenas a ilusão de que tudo podia ser meu para sempre."

Miguel Sousa Tavares
(Escritor português, a propósito da perda de sua mãe, a escritora e poetisa Sophia de Mello-Breyner)